The best hosting plans for your website is confusing to determine. Which hosting plan will be cost effective and suitable for your website? Where and How to find Offers and how to avail. You get will answer to all these questions here that will boost your productivity.
![Choose the Best Hosting Plans for Your Website | 5 Keypoints](
Before start, We all know what a Hosting Service is and what are basic types of hosting and how to register and point your domain with hosting. If you have any confusion, Please read the article below:
Know Everything About Web Hosting – Types, Best Plans and 5 Key Points
A Quick Glance at Hosting Services
Hosting services are generally categorized into 5 types i.e.
- Shared Hosting
- Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
- Dedicated Server Hosting
- Cloud Hosting
- Managed WordPress Hosting
Pricing of the above plans varies from provider to provider but on an average it’s closer in every providers. Spending More on Hosting not a good practice for your productivity.
Know what is needed and how much to spend on.
Getting The Best Hosting Plans for Your Website
While choosing hosting plan for your website, you should do a quick research and grab the most suitable plan without spending anything extra. We had done thorough research and prepared 5 parameters you should keep in mind while surfing online for hosting plans.
- Identify Website Niche
- Website Size & Functionality
- Expected Monthly Traffic
- Best Providers (Budget, Support and Renewal)
- Offers and Promotions
Let’s know in detail about each of the parameter mentioned above and go thorough the best practice.
Identify Website Niche
Identification of a website can be done in many ways but suggest you to apply two methods. one is content-based identification and another one is CMS-based identification.
Content-based Identification:
It is simple as it sounds, the data or the files that you’re going to publish in your website in your content. A blog website is for publishing articles and posts, A gallery website is for showcasing photo and Arts. Portfolio website to showcase your personal profile or company profile etc. These types of websites requires less specification, less data and impose less impact on hosting.
Where as a multifunctional websites like Employ Management Systems, Student Management Systems, Exam Portals, E-com website, Downloadable Content Delivering website, Video Streaming etc. They contains dashboard, login systems, payment gateways etc. These websites requires more storage, bandwidth and processing power.
CMS-Based Identification:
A CMS (Content Management System) is installed and used to minimize the requirements of programming and technical skills. To know More About CMS (content management systems)
Read: Content management systems (CMS) | The efficient way to build websites
Depending upon the CMS, You can determine the need of storage and processing power. Most websites are built with WordPress, Which is the most power systems available, other CMSs are light-weight and less capable than WordPress. While for WordPress hosting providers offers Managed WordPress Hosting which is a good choice only if your website isn’t for multitasking. E-com website With WordPress by using WooCommerce plugin is not advisable in Managed WordPress Hosting if you want to scale it to hold large customers.
Other CMSs like Joomla, Drupal, Prestashop are more compressed in nature. A Shared Hosting is sufficient for them if traffic doesn’t exceed 100k per month.
A perfect identification of website will help you determine the load it will impose on hosting server, depending on the load you can choose the best hosting plans for your website.
Website Size & Functionality
The amount of data that needs to be stored and the total size of website you are wishing to upload is to be kept in mind while choosing the best hosting plans for your website. The best hosting plan for your website to start with in general is the cheapest one available i.e. Shared Hosting , But only from the top providers.
They provide enough storage to run mid size company and full fledged blog. But if you want to store Multimedia or Apps and Software then you’ll need larger storage. But buying an expensive hosting just for the sake of storage isn’t productive practice, better opt for free cloud drives like google drive, uploadcare or terabox to store the heavy files and make link available for the user. You can also get paid while using terabox.
But, if you are planning to build website for larger company to handle and manage data inputs or building streaming platforms, the data should be inside the directory. In that case, I suggest you to opt for VPS Hosting or Dedicated Hosting Server as it would serve as the best hosting plans for your website.
Expected Monthly Traffic
Every user that visits your website counts as traffic and it’s the hosting that handles and provide the visitor with the content. Heavy traffic may lead to errors and unavailability of your website to the public which leads to losses and credibility. But how much traffic is to be considered as heavy. It depends on hosting plan.
But say you are creating a brand new website and there is no prebuild audience present, then go for Shared Hosting as because the traffic will be too less and the SEO will take time. You can migrate your site to VPS Hosting or Dedicated Hosting once monthly traffic starts exceeding 1M or more.
If your website already have significant value and audience then better go for VPS or Dedicated Hosting. Cloud Hosting is better technology to avail but I suggest you to be cost effective till the work is getting done.
Best Providers (Budget, Support and Renewal)
The best hosting plans for your website only could come from the best hosting provider. There’s so many competitive website in but I will prefer sharing the Top 5 and on best one for you.
Please stay away from cheap attractive offers from other platforms as because those service does not well and site’s loading speed, performance and SEO get heavily affected.
Not confusing with 5 also, Hostinger is the best provider among all the existing competitor in terms budget plans. You can avail best hosting plans for your website which will be budget friendly, fast and effective with
Offers and Promotions
Keep track of offers, and promotions published by the genuine providers. On the process of finding the best hosting plans for your website , you need to keep track of hosting offers for some days, do proper research.
Please notice the renewal price also as because it’s generally higher than the offered price plan.
Try buying hosting plans for as long as you wish the hosting will be beneficial, the duration you chose avail discounts, the longer term you take the price goes decreasing.
You can also opt for free trials from Amazon AWS or other platforms. They mostly lasts for 1 year which is adequate, and then migrate to better hosting plans.
Remember, Website Migration is very clingy you have to take care of every bit of aspects otherwise SEO will be heavily compromised and you will lost visibility on search results or audience will encounter errors.
Additional Tips
Offers From Affiliate Holders
Keep reading blogs and you will find offers that blog publishers provide by integrating with hosting providers.
Never Go for Free Hosting
Free hosting looks good and may work fine for some days but ultimately you will encounter pages speed issues, Errors or unknown Ads. So stay away from free.
Avail Extra Discount
You can avail extra discount with Adabyte, Get up to 10% extra discount on your existing plan.
Customer Support Service
Talk with service agent about your needs and they will help you choosing the best hosting plans for your website.
All the above discussed parameters should be carefully checked and analyzed before purchasing hosting plan. I hope this comprehension helps you finding the best hosting plans for your website and boost your productivity also constricting your spends.